- 畫面切割為2塊,上下各一塊,上半部約占畫面5分之1高度,放公司Logo
- 首頁會有帳號、密碼欄位
- 若帳號密碼正確,登入後將網頁轉到另一資料畫面,上半部秀出登入者帳號
- create new MasterPage.
- delete the default ContenePlaceHolder.
- insert Table at one Column and on Row ,Writing something at Header.
- insert ContenePlaceHolder.
- create new web page name Login.aspx and locate to MasterPage .
- at Login.aspx insert a new ContenePlaceHolder、TextBox、Button .
- create new Web Page name Welcome.aspx and locate to MasterPage .
- at Welcome.aspx,write something for user login.
- You can at MasterPage header add two HyperLink,first one connect to 「 Login.aspx 」,second connect to 「 Welcome.aspx 」 .